HIT Pilates (online)


4 x Fitness Class

A playful combo of Pilates and HIT live-streamed from beaches, cool studios or parks 🤸🏾🌴

HIT 👉🏽 high-intensity training is a form of strength training popularised in the 1970s by Arthur Jones. It burns calories, elevates metabolism, improves circulation, strengthens the heart, lungs and blood vessels.

PILATES 👉🏽 low impact exercises for strength, flexibility, balance, and mobility, developed in the early 20th century by a physical trainer Joseph Pilates. 

Breath work during the session will prioritise staying present and in the moment, improving attention and listening skills, which are essential for successful business and everyday relationships.

The sessions advocates for celebrating your uniqueness boldly and it is guided by Mia, a certified Yoga teacher and singer, accommodating various fitness forms into our fast-paced world. The class is suitable for all fitness levels.

Zoom link to this training will be delivered to your email after your purchase.

The sessions aim is not only to relieve stress but also having fun with the simple use of your senses.

Duration: 60 minutes with a little break half way through

When: Tuesdays, 17.30 CEST


Fee includes 4 classes 

Questions? Contact us 👉🏽 info@discconnected.me / +447443181943